democracy is a parenting issue
Parents Grow Democracy

We are creating this Campaign so
you can bring it to parents and families
across your state across your community,
or in your school, library, FQHC, or childcare center!

Ensure that traditionally marginalized communities see their culture, language and strengths reflected, the positive impact of their civic engagement recognized, and their voting concerns and barriers addressed.
Provide an accessible book with graphic information, in multiple languages, that clearly links parent’s concerns to decisions made at the local and state levels; offers concrete examples of parents and communities who have made change through civic engagement and informed voting; and details what to expect on election days.
Explore complicated concepts of democracy and what it means to count in America, within a diverse counting book, in multiple languages, that can be read aloud to young children.
Offer professional development that empowers teachers, childcare, health, parent leaders, and the many other community providers that parents already know and respect to serve as “trusted advisors” who can comfortably share non-partisan voting and civic engagement information.
Integrate the Parents Grow Democracy Campaign into family engagement programs that serve traditionally marginalized communities in order to reach parents with voting and civic engagement information “where they are.” (ie. Within the community spaces that already support their family, addressing parenting concerns they’ve already identified) with a variety of pedagogically informed books and programs they can share at home with children of any age.
Partner with national and state leaders, community-based organizations, schools, community colleges, libraries, health systems, professional organizations, businesses, unions and existing voting and civic engagement coalitions - to build state, county or city-wide Parents Grow Democracy Campaigns.
Increase parents’ civic participation, and access to informed voting in local, federal and national elections within traditionally marginalized communities.
Library Program Tools Include:
GROW THE VOTE & GROW A VOTER books & Growth Charts
We Count! Storytime Event & Activity Kit: Posters, Invitation, Social Media Tools Voter Registration & Civic Engagement Library Event Planning Tool Community Story Walk Posters (book is turned into large posters) Democracy Reading List
Democracy Games, Puzzles, stickers, placemats, etc.
Online media and animation
Media Press kit
School & Community Program Tools Include:
GROW THE VOTE & GROW A VOTER books & Growth Charts
Invitation to organizations to join the Campaign
Community Story Walk Posters (book is turned into large posters)
Tools for Voting Registering Community Members
Democracy Games, Puzzles, stickers, placemats, etc.
Media Partner tools include:
Print ready insert or online link to books or growth chart for ethnic newspapers to run (in multiple languages)
Press release for events
Print or online advertisement, plus advertiser/sponsorship sales blad
Healthcare Program tools include:
GROW THE VOTE & GROW A VOTER books & Growth Charts Democracy & Healthcare Brief
Democracy Games, Puzzles, stickers, placemats, etc
Early Childhood Program Tools include:
GROW THE VOTE & GROW A VOTER books & Growth Charts Early Childhood Counting & Democracy Curriculum w/parent component.
Family Event Kit: Posters, Invitation, Social Media Tools Voter Registration & Civic Engagement Event Planning Tool Democracy Reading List
Democracy Games, Puzzles, stickers & Placemats